by Trevor Rocious
Warren buffet says: "The best investment you can make, is an investment in yourself. The more you learn, the more you earn"
It is always the question of HOW that makes us curious e.g. How he/she got so rich or How can I get rich? Great minds are shaped by great books. If you want to step in the world of the stock market and need guidance, learn new techniques or tips you are at the right place. Today we will discuss the best investing books that have changed the life of many people. These books are written by highly successful people having a net worth of billions of dollars.
How did they become so rich you will find out once you read these books. Our pick for best investing books are
"The Intelligent Investor" is the book that has changed the life of multi-billionaire Warren Buffet. The book was first published in 1949 by Benjamin Graham who is also known as "Father of Value investing". The book main focus is on value investing. This book covers all the basics that a beginner investor should know before he/she invest. The book discusses different strategies of making wealth by not losing money. Successful investing doesn't require high IQ, in-depth knowledge or luck, instead what it needs is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions with ability to keep emotions from ruining it. Benjamin presents such framework in this book that will help you to make logical decision not emotional one.
Price: 12.39 $ at Amazon
We all want to know more about the lives of successful people, it's in human nature. Warrant buffet rejected numerous biographers but it was Alice Schroeder whom he approached to write his biography. Alice spent 2000 hours reading buffet's personal files to write this amazing biography. The book was published in September 2008 and it was Amazon's best business and investing book that year. The Los Angeles times stated "it was the most authoritative portrait of one of the most important American investors of our time". This book shows all the good and bad times Warren Buffet has been through and how he kept moving forward. The techniques he used while investing in market and how he learnt from his mistakes in early life.
Price: 3.90 $ at Amazon
The inventor of "Magic formula investing" Joel Greenblatt published The little book that beats market a New York Times bestseller in year 2006. What should you be doing with all your hard-earned money? are you confused how much to invest and where to invest in market? This book will enlighten you with the technique that Joel Greenblatt evaluated for 17 years which he called "The magic formula". The magic formula outperformed the overall market by 18% which means $10,000 turned into almost 1million dollars in 17 years as compared to market which only turned into 70000$. Once you read this book go to and get started.
Price: $12.97 at Amazon
"One of the best books on investment was written by Phil Fisher called common stocks uncommon profit in 1957" are the words of Warren buffet. Warren buffet said this book taught me something that Benjamin's didn't as in the below video
.Phil fisher philosophies are still used by finance professionals today. This book is especially for those investors who want to make their own company and through ownership make long-term income. The main thing about any investment process is to decide which company to invest. Fisher discuss 15 points checklist that an investor should know before he/she invest in any company so it's a must read.
Price: $11.79 at Amazon
The book that changed the mindset of many investors and common people rich dad poor dad is written by Robert T. Kiyosaki. The book was published in 1997 and was New York Times best seller. In 2017 it was estimated that the book has sold almost 40million copies around the world. The book was praised by famous celebrities such as will smith, American talk show host Orpah winfery and NFL star Richard Sherman. Robert discuss the mindset that many wealthy people adopts to become rich. The book explains how saving money won't make you rich. As the title says Robert has two dads, Rich dad (His friend's father) and poor dad (his father who is PhD) He discuss the difference between them .The books focuses on financial independence, starting your own business, how wealth can be build by investing less money and most importantly how to increase your financial IQ.
Price: $13.73 at Amazon
Daniel Kahneman is noble prize winner for his notable work in field of economics and psychology of judgment and decision making. Thinking, fast and slow is a New York times bestseller book published in 2011. In 2012 it won the national academies communication award. This book helps show the importance of how brain can trick you in decision making. This book shows how can one make decision rationally rather than emotionally. Daniel elaborates the two systems of mind one which is fast thinker and another slow thinker. How fast and slow thinkers are affected by their decision. This book is not about investing but its about decision making. We know that how our small decisions can make difference in our lives. Warren buffet said "you don't need high IQ for investment all you need is emotional stability". So, once you understand the phycology of your mind you can make effective yet productive decisions for your business.
Price: $7.57 at Amazon
The great investor was published in 2010 by professor of investment at Stanford university Glen Arnold. Although this book is not famous but it is a must read for new investors. This book thoroughly explains the techniques that great investors have used during their investment. This book will allow you to not make mistakes that great investors made in their early stages of investment thus making this book interesting to read. The stories of world remarkable investors in this book will not only motivate you but also enlighten you with strategies that these successful people used in their investment process.
Price: $ 27.70 at Amazon
The book that inspired warren buffet in childhood is one thousand ways to make $1000. This book was published in back in 1936 by Frances Minaker. If you are interested to start your own business then this book is for you. This book explains not only explains investing but also many other techniques used in business such as merchandising, customer relation, marketing and many more. This book is full of ideas that will shape your mind and motivate you to start your own business. I will quote one example from the book in which a widow saved $38 and turned it into million-dollar coffee business. So, you don't need thousands of dollars to start business. There are more examples for which I will highly recommend you to read this book.
Price: $37.17 at Amazon
Keller Williams is the world largest real estate company. The founder of this company is Gary Keller and He is also the author of The millionaire real estate investor. The book was published in 2005.If you are interested in real estate investing then this is the book you should read. Gary has used a lot of visuals to explain complex knowledge simply. He explained the 4 stages of becoming a millionaire real estate investor. The book gives you the roadmap for becoming successful real estate investor. If you are looking for a successful career in this field do read this book. For those who don't know what real estate is should definitely read this book as Gary has very clearly and concisely explained it.
Price: $5.01 at amazon
Brandon turner published the book on rental property investing in 2015. This book explains how you can invest in real estate not to live in but to generate a continuous strong cashflow. The book explains the basics and pros/cons of rental property investing. The reason why you should and shouldn't become real estate investor will help you to decide if this is the right field for you or not? This book is not something getting rich overnight scam but it's a How to book that has helped a lot of people getting grip on concepts of real estate investing. I will highly recommend this book because this will help you to achieve a real estate mindset.
Price: $12.59
Everyone wants to be successful, but there are no shortcuts for that. There is no successful investor that has used shortcuts to become great. The writers of above books have learned from their mistakes and it's a blessing for us that they have shared their experience and knowledge with in a form of book. So, I will requote Warren buffet that "The best investment you can make, is an investment in yourself. The more you learn, the more you earn". So, it's time for you to make some investment in yourself and buy any of the book listed above, start learning and begin your journey to become millionaire. Let us know in the comment section below which book you are going to buy.
About Trevor Rocious
Trevor Rocious is a prominent science blogger known for his engaging and informative content in the field of scientific exploration and discovery. With a passion for unraveling the mysteries of the universe, Trevor has captivated a wide audience with his ability to communicate complex scientific concepts in a relatable and accessible manner.
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