What is the best age to get pregnant?

by Trevor Rocious

With time couples now have a greater control over when they want to start a family. With various options that are now available such as different technologies that help in reproduction, people now seem to have options on how they want to conceive.

Time is an important factor and effects the procedure of bearing children. It is often assumed that when couples are ready to start a family all things will automatically start falling in place. However, that is not very true. Every case is different from each other but with age, getting pregnant differs. Fertility starts getting low while complications may arise with time.

What is the best age to get pregnant?

There is no best age to conceive. Albeit, getting pregnant in different ages vary and carry a different experience than the other. Read on below to get a better grip on what it is like getting pregnant in different times.

In your 20s

If we take a look at this this time of one's life, the 20s are the best time to get pregnant. Physically speaking, it is an excellent time. your menstruation cycles are now predictable and you are very well aware about what will happen and when. Similarly, your eggs are in their prime for fertilization. They are healthy and fresh. Additionally, being pregnant is also easier as getting pregnant. Your body is strong and can take up the responsibility and the physical expense of carrying a child. Your bones, joints and back is still strong to take this up without exerting too much strain. Not to forget that this is the age when you are far away from numerous medical conditions that may arise with time which can cause different complications and increase risks. From a physical standpoint, it carries less risks and assures a smoother pregnancy.

In your 20s, you might experience reduced complications except Preeclampsia and Hypertension. Preeclampsia is more related to the facts that majority of the women who get pregnant for the first time are in their 20s hence, experiencing this. There is also a greater chance of low baby birth weight as habits from teens such as smoking, drinking and multiple unprotected sex can affect pregnancy. Women in their 20s also feel less stressed and anxious about pregnancy and are more excited if they are emotionally prepared. Readiness and mentally being prepared are extremely vital for your peace of mind.

In your 30s

30s is when women feel most prepared for pregnancy. This is the age when the woman or both the partners involved feel that they have settled and are now ready to start a family. Women have achieved the goals they had initially set in their professional lives. They are more mentally and emotionally prepared. However, there is a catch. It is not as easy as it seems. Even though the parents are ready, getting pregnant does not come easy. Your eggs have started to mature at this age. The most fertile eggs are released in the 20s, thus leaving with less sensitive and more mature ones. The start to get slower. It takes another three to six months to conceive if you have no medical complication or any disease.

Declining fertility is most noticeable after 35. At 35, there is an increase in pregnancy related issues. From gestational diabetes to chromosomal problems, these issues start to arise. There is also a higher risk of miscarriage as compared to your 20s. Placenta previa is also most common amongst women above 30. This is when the placenta grows near the cervix causing bleeding which results in a caesarian. This is why a lot of women in their 30s have a child through a C-section rather than a vaginal delivery. However, there can also be a decline in energy levels as you get older. You may get tired and weary easily. Though, this is objective and can vary. If you find yourself to be as energetic as were in your earlier years, it is a bonus point.

In your 40s

40s are considered to be the toughest years to get pregnant. This is the decade when you have run out of all the fast-acting eggs and are left with the ones that have been the slowest to act yet. They also do not act that well during fertilization. All the best quality eggs are not present anymore. This adds to the complications that arise with time. Chromosomal abnormalities can occur. Miscarriages are also very common in this decade. Not only this but this is the time when your mensuration cycle is not very consistent. It is highly inconsistent especially considering the fact that this before the time of menopause. This further makes the procedure difficult. Women have often also confused missing their periods as a sign of menopause rather than pregnancy.

However, this is also the decade when there is a high chance of conceiving multiples. Due to change in hormonal levels because of menopause it can cause release of multiple eggs simultaneously. This can result in twins, triplets or even more.

Screening for chromosomal defects during pregnancy is considered futile and a waste of time by some gynecologists. Chances of chromosomal defects only increases with time. going through pregnancy in your 40s may magnify underlying conditions. Stiff and sore joints are the most common amongst all. With time your metabolism also slows down which can show its great effects during pregnancy. Pregnancies in 20s and 30s may not result in a lot of weight gain however, in 40s you are most likely to gain a lot weight due to slowed metabolism.

As there are many physical downsides there are multiple upsides too. Firstly, you have a better financial standing when you are in your 40 and pregnant. It provides you a more grip on how you want to take this pregnancy with such great financial means. Also, in 40s you are more stable and have experienced many ups and downs that give you an understanding about life and how to handle. This can be handy during pregnancy and motherhood. Since you must have proved yourself professionally, this can assist you in working after birth. You can negotiate and work while not compromising on experiencing motherhood and raising a child. It will also give you the self confidence you require to take an active part in your pregnancy such as preference of labor and delivery.

Fertility options

Fertility options
Fertility options

Getting pregnant after 35 can be a difficult task and many find themselves struggling. There are a couple of ways to get pregnant after a certain age. If you have tried and still are not pregnant, these might come in handy.

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)- In this procedure, eggs are extracted from your own body and are combined with the sperm specimen in vitro. It is observed and fertilized in a laboratory and later placed inside your own uterus.


The link above explains the IVF procedure, its details, who should go for it and why. It also contains a video that shows the whole procedure.

Freezing eggs-in this procedure, the best eggs are frozen in the younger years. If you know you want to start a family but not at this time then this is a good option. You can freeze your eggs during your most fertile years and later plant them in your uterus after injecting it with sperm. They can be frozen for a couple of years. It should be kept in mind that this does not ensure that you will conceive once the eggs are injected. This just makes healthy eggs available to you in your later years.


The link above is related to freezing eggs and answers the most frequent questions in a more detailed and well explained way.

Male fertility

All the above pointers mentioned are in connection to female fertility. However, male fertility also declines with time. It happens later and slower as compared to women. It usually occurs after 40. The sperm count decreases. They also tend to swim slower. The semen volume also starts to decrease. Old men's sperm also contains more abnormalities. It is also harder for them to get their partners pregnant. Last but not the least there is also an increased risk of miscarriages regardless of the age of their partner.

What it means

The takeaway from this is that you should get yourself checked and seek medical assistance if:

· You have been unable to get pregnant in a year if you are below 35

· You have not conceived after trying for six months if you are above 35

With time it does get difficult to get pregnant and have a stress-free pregnancy. Nonetheless, you should take other factors into account when deciding to start a family such as being mentally prepared and actually wanting to become a parent and taking full responsibility. It is a major lifechanging step and you should be taken with great precaution. If you decide to take this step later in your life, it is wise to consult a doctor so he/she can recommend and advise on the right steps that you can take.

About Trevor Rocious

Trevor Rocious is a prominent science blogger known for his engaging and informative content in the field of scientific exploration and discovery. With a passion for unraveling the mysteries of the universe, Trevor has captivated a wide audience with his ability to communicate complex scientific concepts in a relatable and accessible manner.

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